'Fell asleep in Whitechapel, snored until Bow' - District Line
'Sceptical about Heaven, going to Angel anyway' - Northern Line
  ‘I Am Drunk’   - District Line
'Girl with a Cat Ear' - Circle Line
 Angry Youth - Northern Line
  I can hear colours .... Central Line
  City Man, trouble in the bear market, going to The Bank  - Victoria Line.
 I Am Going To Tate Britain - Bakerloo Line
 Romek Marber - graphic desinger
 Elizabeth Stanhope - ceramic artist
 Raya Herzig, an artist.
 Lady Belhaven and Stenton
 Lord Belhaven and Stenton
 Cwizewicz brothers, violinists.
 Irena Delmar, an actress
 Andrzej Klimowski, graphic designer, illustrator, prof. Royal College of Art
 Andrzej Krauze, cartoonist
 Peter Fudakowski, film director, producer.
I met this chap once. He is called Boris and have same Eastern European roots. The Drawing was exhibited at Ben Uri Gallery and Museum.
'I must pop in to Harrods first' - Piccadilly Line. Basia Zarzycka - eccentric bird of paradise. Had hats and curio shop in Sloabe Square.
'Gig in Ronnie's tonight' - Central Line
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